Instrument Rates

New instrument rates as of July 1, 2024:


Internal Yale ($/hr)
STEDYCON/Spinning Disk Confocal   -   Abberior/Nikon 42
Laser Scanning Confocal   -   Leica Stellaris 8 42
Laser Scanning Confocal   -   Leica SP8 34
Andor Spinning Disk Confocal - BC43 37
Blaze Light Sheet   -   Miltenyi 37
Laser Microdissection System   -   Leica LMD7000 26
Widefield   -   Leica Thunder Imager 3D Tissue 25
Widefield   -   Leica DMi8 20
Atomic Force   -   Asylum Research Cypher ES 21
IMARIS Image Analysis Workstation 5

Free training for all users.

The Leica DMi8, Leica Thunder, and Leica LMD are charged per actual time used, the Abberior/Nikon STEDYCON/SDC, Leica Stellaris 8, Leica SP8, Andor BC43, Miltenyi Blaze, AFM and the Imaris workstation are charged as ‘earlier of resereved or actual start’ until ‘later of reserved or actual end’. Billing is no longer capped. 

Other equipment in the Imaging Core (use free of charge): 

  • Inverted Fluorescence Microscope Leica DMIL LED
  • Stereo Microscope Leica M125

Available software on the Imaging Core workstations (Rm 006):