Laser Microdissection System

System Configuration

Microscope model:



HC PL FL 10x/0.30 Dry, WD 11.0 mm, No: 11506505
HCX PL FL L 20x/0.40 CORR, WD 6.9 mm, No: 11506242
HCX PL FL L 40x/0.60 CORR XT, WD 3.3-1.9 mm, No: 11506208

Source of light:

EL6000 external light for fluorescence excitation

Filter cube:

LMD-BGR, triple band filter RGB for cutting and observation,  No:11513911


LMD CC7000, color, 1.2 Megapixel resolution, No: 11501478  


Stage, objective turret

Available Techniques

Fluorescence imaging

Image stitching

General Description

The Leica LMD6500 is the laser microdissection system of choice for contact­ and contamination­free dissection and specimen collection simply by gravity. The Leica LMD6500 uses optics to guide the laser beam for the highest cutting speed and precision of the laser, independent of the stage. The maintenance­free, long­life, diode­pumped solid state laser (355 nm) is freely adjustable for many types of specimens USING the following parameters: Laser aperture, Laser offset and Laser power with a minimum pulse energy of 70 µJ.