High QE Photometrics camera demo/evaluation on September 12

September 7, 2018

West Campus Imaging Core will be evaluating the high QE 95% Photonics CMOS camera on the Spinning Disk Confocal microscope. During this time, you can bring your samples to estimate the camera image quality. The SD microscope configuration allows for acquisition of sequential images of the same object using two cameras: Prime 95B and Andor Ultra888. The 95B is Photometrics most popular camera for extremely low light quantitative imaging and has been replacing EMCCDs in most applications.


Speaker: Robert Trecroce,

Date:         September 12

Time:        2:00pm -2:45pm

Camera demonstration on SD Confocal 3:00pm – 5:00pm

Location: West Campus Imaging Core, 850 West Campus Drive room 0015

Refreshments will be served

Prime 95B Camera Evaluation

Date:         September 12 – 17

Location: West Campus Imaging Core, 850 West Campus Drive room 008

Microscope: Nikon W1 Spinning Disk Confocal